Monday, November 12, 2007

Check out!!
Featuring designers:
-Linea Pelle
-Alexis Hudson
-Badgley Mischka
-Cynthia Rowley
-Michelle Vale
-Deere Colhoun
-Kasil Jeans
-Pierce Jeans


Anonymous said...

Andarei bags are gorgeous! I have seen them on a lot of celebrities lately. I hope you have their Spring collection soon.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm. I don't know much about the Andarei. Is it a new designer? Let me check their bags.

Anonymous said...

I loved reading your post about the $500,000 bag. It reminded me of the feeling I get around Christmas when a certain catalog arrives - you know the one that sells maseratis, helicopters, and submarines. The catalog always gets viewed by everyone. The best reaction comes from my mother-in-law, who lives in rural Michigan. She is always shocked that one shirt can cost $3,000. It greatly entertaining to hear the comments from her, such as, "OMG who would pay $2,000 for a handbag" when looking at LV. When you ask what would you do with a $500,000 purse - my answer is "wear it, of course!"

P.S. Love your website - really enjoyed the "Monday" sale in February - hope to see more like it.