Monday, March 17, 2008

Waking Up

Have you ever gotten out of bed in the morning to find nothing to wear, your hair's a rat nest of a mess and you just can't get it together? Everything about the day is a let down... Up until now that is, when you spot the pinnacle of luxury, the essence of beauty, the one bright shining star to make your day suddenly seem brighter. This is how I feel most mornings. I may not have the best fashion sense when it comes to the right way to pull clothes together or the brush moves to make my eyeliner perfect but when I reach for my bag, I walk out my door and stand proud to be carrying something made of quality materials with quality design. An item people put their heart and souls into so I would one day carry and display their work of art. I want everyone who stops by Kataphileo to see what I see, a beautiful well crafted bag that is well deserving of any arm that holds it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where does the word "Kataphileo" come from?