Friday, March 28, 2008

Saving the planet one innovation at a time!

It is truly incredible how far the world has come or if you are a pessimist, the thinking may be why didn't we get here sooner. The world is going green. Everyone is becoming eco-friendly as we see our world is in greater need of some serious immediate changes. We want a world in the future that will be able to provide for our families as it has provided for us, don't we? We are now experiencing a surge in all things green lately and with a little bit of imagination, skill and knowledge, great minds are working hard to equip us with the tools to make saving our planet a more manageable task. We have hybrid cars, organic foods, eco-friendly totes and Sony is even working on a TV that uses only 45 watts of energy! Talk about a a true innovation! That is less than the lowest light bulb wattage in my home! Sugar will be the main ingredient of batteries in the future, MP3 player casings will be made from corn-based plastics and we will one day soon all use solar energy in our homes. As time goes on, being "green" will go down in price and will not only save our planet but our wallets, too! Going green is going to make the world we live in a better place and hopefully you will jump on this "trend" and make it a lifestyle.

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