Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Don't Judge a Book by its Cover

Have you ever judged something by the way it looks? I am sure you have!

I am, by nature, a sparkling white girl with absolutely zero color to my skin except the millions of freckles my mother has always told me are angle kisses. Naturally, I want what I cannot have. Some people strive for the perfect hair color from the box, I for the perfect brown tan. I gave up tanning bed tanning a couple years ago because its bad for your skin and honestly, after I achieved a tan people could compliment me on (after 2 or 3 mths!) I would take a break, resulting in a tan that disappears faster than the burnt tanning smell from my nostrils! Since then I have tried an array of different products, Mystic Tan being one of my favorites but who really wants to drive all the way to the salon, take off all your clothes at a strange place, then drive all the way back with the smell reeking in your car. Now I am back at square one. Looking, searching, hoping for the beautiful color I yearn for. I tried Glow Fusion but wow, does it get messy when you have to spray it all over your body but I did achieve a light golden brown color. Everything else had a scary packaging. Lancome Flash Bronzer for example, I knew I had tried it before but looking at the bright orangy bottle put thoughts of oompa loompas in my head, bright orange people running around. So oranges, I stay far far away. Unfortunately for my wallet and my skin, I shouldn't have judged and just really thought back to the beautiful tan I had when I wore it. I love Lancome Flash Bronzer. It gives me a nice brown tan.

Based on the size, shape and colors of things we make predetermined judgments that are hard to break free from but we may be missing out on exactly what we are looking for whether it be the perfect tan, the perfect home or the perfect man.

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